Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Update - Chateau Sheahan...

Well, its raining again in downtown Wilyabrup so thought I'd do a morning blog to make use of the time and catch up on yesterday's news....

It was all action at the Silk Road on Tuesday when the house flooring materials arrived on a semi-trailer.  As predicted, the driver would not take his truck down to the site - the road is now too boggy and would have resulted in tears.  (No-Bog Sheahan and his offsider Puller Emmett are both currently out of town and unavailable.)  So it was Horry HIAB to the rescue - the semi driver unloaded the floor and left the task to a very proud young Horry and his two assistants Ross and Jack. 

 So construction of the floor has started.  The generator has used its first load of fuel and will refill the jerry cans today (including one for Haydn's loader.)  I think I have already mentioned that the uprights for the floor are in and the sleeves bolted over the posts.  The pad looks great!  Also talked with Terry and confirmed the materials and colours - Bushland custom orb, with Monument trimmings and Rivergum roof.  After much deliberation I ordered treated pine for the feature panels rather than the proposed red cedar, and we will stain / oil to find the perfect match for the colourbond.  Colour matching, maintenance, longevity, price, were all reasons for this choice. Hardiplank is raw and needs to be painted a cedar colour - I would rather oil annually than have to sand and paint.  The decking will be treated pine too - we can match the colours of the feature to the deck.  (Small "building surprise" in that the assumed offer of jarrah decking is not likely to eventuate but all in all I am happy with the materials, decisions and outcomes!)

(Think I just saw a Port-a-Loo drive past my window so appears Ross and the team are settling in down there...)

Think i have already mentioned we have 130 cuttings.  Tasks I do daily are make up plastic tree bags and plant or re-pot some of the nursery stock.  Today I do not care if it is pouring rain - I am going to whippersnipper the mulberry patch and plant a row of screening trees down there to protect them from the wind.

Donna and Haydn came for dinner the other night - we drank red wine, played all our CDs and made lots of dirty dishes.  I made a pasta using my homegrown mushies, but unfortunately left the bread rolls in the oven all night and produced beautiful black rocks rather than mini-panini as intended.  I will leave bread-making to Rob from now on (and dishes of course...)

In other news, I took the business card to a printer in Busselton yesterday. Mike the Printer seems like a good bloke and will have 500 ready this week - $165. Will be handing them out like chook food before we know it!

Finally got off the telstra pre-paid and set up a business plan for my mobile - has 3G for email and global roaming.  No data pack yet but have the capability and I can transfer my SIM to my HTC when I travel.  I have made the decision to go Sky-Mesh for satellite internet, but have not yet rung them to go ahead.  When this is done I can set up our email addresses.  On other computer-y things, still can't find the computer mike for skyping and am kicking myself because I know it is somewhere I see it often.  I also can't find a download cable for the Olympus camera and am using my Verbatim cable - not sure if that is the right thing to be doing.

Have done a rough sketch of the showroom layout - I will scan and send all these little sketches to Rob soon.  Yesterday I priced wood fires and it will cost about 3,500 for the showroom and about 2,500 for the house.  Am still thinking about the slabs for the nursery though I did price some at Busselton Salvage ($5.80 each and they have about 16 there).  Am definitely growing out of the backyard but not sure it is a necessary expense at this stage - perhaps I will just clear the stumps and logs from the old dairy and use that.  In fact, thinking as I write, that is exactly what I will do.  We can add an extension later....

So that's it for another day... had a lovely walk around this morning joined by two old friends who have obviously been missing me - I was already halfway through my walk when they appeared so I did not turn around or send them back but I imagine I have given them encouragement to come again another day!  (I think it is easy enough to guess who my friends are?)

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